If one of your hobbies is writing, or wanted to enhance your writing skills, then try your writing capabilities to websites that pay you when you write for them.
freelance writing is one of the in-demand jobs online. it gives you the leverage of working at home and at your convenient time, just write whenever you like.
There are different programs we can find on the internet and they do have differences to accept freelancers, but to be accepted such programs to freelance writing, you must at least have the basic skills.
- English is the international language, at least you understand and write sentences and paragraphs in English.
- Grammar is also one of the major keys in writing. Learn how to use proper grammar in writing.
- Reading articles, blogs, books or magazine greatly help you improve in writing.
There are different ways of getting paid by writing.
Write Articles
One of the most challenging yet fulfilling job in freelance writing. There are over 600 million blogs all over the world, and there are 10% of them are actually earning through blogging. Believe it or not,some of them actually did not write their own articles. They hire someone or buys it from the marketplace. These Marketplaces are websites that provide articles that are being sold.If you are really on freelance writing, you can be hired by any related writing jobs such as writing a book content, articles for magazines, blogs and businesses website. Upwork and Fiverr are one of the leading freelance platforms, it's up to how much you charge your clients in per hour basis.
Write a Product Reviews
E-commerce or online stores are influentially growing and more entrepreneurs are engaging in this field of business. With such kind of competitive business, some of them are looking for reviews and they are willing to pay for your wholehearted views of their product.Transcribing Job
Also one of the in-demand jobs on the internet. It can be categorized as Paid-to write programs online. A transcriptionist is the one who transcribes recorded audio files, this recorded audio is translated or transferred to one readable format.
Transcriptionists are profession who does go to work outside their home. Now, most of the transcriptionists are working online, as a freelancer.
Forum and social media/community website
There are several forums and community websites that reward their member by participating through in writing helpful posts and creating threads that composed of topics. These kinds of programs are not implementing strict on grammar and spellings, as long as you are been understood. This is one of the best ways to start enhancing yourself in writing.Others
You can expand your profession through applying to platforms that help other people looking for answers. Let's say you are a mechanics as an example, and someone desperately wanted to know something about engines, you may able to earn by providing him a solution about mechanics.
JustAnswer is a company started since 2003, who help people looking for specific answer to their questions. JustAnswers provide to help people to connect to experts industries. You can apply to them even if your still actively working or retired. You can earn here for 5$ per answer.
Blogging is a great way to start writing. There is no limit on what you desire and wanted to share. This could greatly help you and the people who may read a blog.Blogging can be profitable as you may not even imagine. Blogging has plenty of ways to monetize, it has different options on which you can choose or by having altogether depending on how you plan by making it.
You can monetize by applying to an advertisement network company such as Adsense (google). Once accepted, you can earn from placing ads on your blog and monetizing depends on the number of visitors your blog has.
You can apply for an affiliate program like Amazon, which gives you commission based on purchased products coming from your blog. Common ways are creating articles on your blog about product reviews and by placing affiliate links.